Gun Ownership, Bearing the Burden 03/20 by 63650 | Politics Podcasts

March 21, 2014

Gun Ownership, Bearing the Burden 03/20 by 63650 | Politics Podcasts.

Happy thanksgiving

November 19, 2012

We are about to celebrate a day of thanksgiving. Many people will join with family and friends, to break bread and rejoice.

The smell of turkey, stuffing, and cranberries, will fill the air and make your stomachs crave for dinner to begin.

Many people will sit down at the table and hold hands with the person next to them. They will bow their heads and pray, giving thanks to the Lord for all they have, for their family being able to come together, for the bounty of food that they have before them.

They will give thanks for new faces that surround the tables and remember the faces who have laid down to rest.

As the festivities begin, they will dance, play video games or watch the various football games on television. When the night ends, many will make a doggy bag to take home. They will begin to prepare for the next holiday that is a month away.

Yes, the holidays are a time to celebrate, remember and reflect

This holiday, I would like to ask everyone to remember the homeless. I was homeless once. I know first hand how it is to have nowhere to go and have no voice to answer mine back. I know what it is to have no hope. I know what if feels like to be forgotten.

For some people, the holidays create a reminder of what they do not have. The pain of starvation that constantly reminds their stomach that today, they will not eat. Each night they fear to close their eyes because it may be their last night on earth. It is not the fear of dying that bothers them; it is fear of dying alone and no one knowing their name.

When your homeless and the holidays come, it means that it brings with it cold weather. It means that they have to collect paper, cardboard boxes and clothes so they can try to stay warm at night.

It means every scrap of food they can find, has to be rationed smartly because they do not know the next time they will eat. It means that they have to let down your pride and ask for help. They beg for a quarter so they can buy a candy bar or chips, just to soothe the pain of hunger.

The holidays bring looks of pity or disgust from people who think all homeless people are alcoholics or druggies. Homeless people do not want to be homeless. They do not choose to be dirty. They did not choose the paths awarded to them.

I became homeless after both of my parents died, and my family thought it was more beneficial to fight over their riches, than it was to fight for the lives of the children my parents left behind.

Many homeless are vets that came home to find they had lost everything. Many suffer from mental illness.

This holiday, after you leave the table, make a plate for the homeless person around the corner. You know where they are. They are the ones you walk past, but see through the corners of your eyes.

Please consider who they are and do not judge them on what they look like. Remember, everyone was someone until fate chose their paths.

Thank you, God bless and have a terrific thanksgiving.



November 2, 2012

Hurricane Sandy had a devastating effect on thousands of people throughout the east coast of America. As the flooding recedes, mold grows. Mold can cause major concerns for increased upper respiratory tract symptoms, asthma, and flu like symptoms in healthy people and people with upper respiratory disease.

Excessive water exposure can cause mold and mildew as well as bacteria to grow. Even if you cannot see the mold, it may be in between your walls, under your shelves, in your cabinets, attic or basement.

Studies done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Institute of Medicine, conclude that excessive mold and bacteria exposure can cause health problems associated with upper respiratory distress or asthma in healthy adults,children and especially the elderly. It can be extremely dangerous in people with upper respiratory disease or immunodeficiency disorders.

Exposure to mold can cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and a sore throat. These conditions can be mistaken for hay fever or the common cold. Extended exposure can cause asthma or other types of respiratory infections.

Asthma is a lung disease which causes the lungs to partially close. When this happens, it can cause a mild effect like wheezing or a life threatening condition in which you can not breath, which can result in death.

There are many mold related respiratory infections. Many are non life threatening, however one infection known as Stachybotrys atra can cause flu like symptoms, fatigue, and has been linked to attention deficit disorders.

Some signs that you may have mold are: an acrid odor, a spongy growth on wood, drywall or cement floors or black dust on surfaces. The easiest way to identify mold is; the black growth you sometimes see on walls or ceilings in bathrooms that are not properly ventilated.

The first steps in removing mold from your home is to remove the water and the moisture by using a dehumidifier. Wear a mask, protective eyewear and rubber gloves. There are many over the counter products (which include bleach) that claim to remove mold, however, many of these are for surface level mold. Mold grows beneath the surface and can be airborne which presents the health risks mentioned above.

When mold is discovered, contaminated porous materials such as; walls, carpets, fabric, furniture, mattresses or ceiling tiles, must be completely removed and replaced. Generally non-porous materials such as; glass, plastics or metals can be cleaned with spray cleaners or bleach. Semi porous materials have to be fully cleaned but can be re-used.

After a flood, air ducts and insulation should be examined by a professional and if mold is discovered, proper treatment should be done. Which may include replacing the duct work and insulation.

If you discover symptoms such as: difficulty breathing, runny nose, sore throat, coughing or sneezing after a flood, your first thought should be to look for signs you have a mold infestation. If you find mold even if it is a small amount, remove the moister and consider if the area of infestation is: porous, semi porous or non-porous. Even if you find a small amount of mold after a flood, assume the worse and call a professional to come in and inspect your home. Inspections should be done from the attic, walls, basement, air ducts and insulation.


It’s ok to change your mind

October 26, 2012

I ask all Americans who can and will vote, to go into the polling place and take a moment to pray.

When your prayer is done, ask yourself, are you better off than 4 years ago? If in your heart, you think this world is better, then vote for Obama.

If in your heart you know it’s not better and your life and the life of your children will not be better, then please vote for Romney.

It’s ok to feel bad that you did not vote for the man you had so much hope for. It’s ok that you thought he would bring change and he didn’t, but you have to learn from your mistakes.

You can continue to blame Bush for what has happened over the last 4 years, but can you and will you continue to blame Bush for another 4 years? At what point do you blame the sitting president?

It’s ok to feel bad, but at least vote with your heart and mind. Think of your children and your children’s children. Think of your future!

Yes you will feel bad, but your future is more important than voting for someone who really can not do the job.


The Beginning of the end of the First Amendment

September 28, 2012

As we all know, the events of 9/11/2012, were terrorist attacks Many private intelligence companies were warning of these attacks days before it happen. In fact, there was chatter about it for weeks.

The Obama administration knew about it, but did nothing and what did they do once it happened? They blamed a video, that was on the web for almost a year. This was a calculated move my friend! This video did not upset the Muslims, they didn’t even have a clue of the video, it upset Obama!

For years, the Muslim countries have been trying to stop freedom of speech through the united nations. They tried to bring up legislation that said, if you wrote, draw or spoke the name Allah,Mohamed or islam in a derogatory manner (of their choosing) then you could be brought up on charges.

No American president or their allies supported this UN legislation, because they knew of the consequences of its passage (it would counter our 1st amendment rights and give an excuse for Muslims to persecute Christians and Jews)….well no American president until last year!

In 2011, UN Resolution 16/18 was introduced and supported by President Barrack Hussein Obama. This resolution basically states that; you can not speak bad of any religion verbally,in writing, film or pictures. It was written and presented by Muslim nations and it’s intent is to go after the freedom of speech of Americans and Christians around the world.

During the 9/11 attacks, the Obama administration saw its opportunity to attack our freedom of speech, by blaming this video. You look at all the statements that were released on 9/11. Prior to 9/11, did anyone hear of this video? Was there any reports of chatter about this video? Did anyone in Libya, Egypt or other Muslim countries mention the video prior to 9/11 or on 9/11?

The answer is no! They began to speak about the video only after it was mentioned by the Obama administration. It was leaked to them as the excuse they should use, not terrorism. What did the Obama administration do to bolster their position? They perp walked someone who they claim was the director of the film and used our left wing media to broadcast it around the world.

It is president obamas contention to stop freedom of speech when it has to do with the Muslim religion. It is happening my friends. Look at what his stooges are going around the country saying; maybe we need to take a look at what is said about religious beliefs and make it off limits

Why wasn’t that said when they made the film corpus cristi? The movie that portrayed Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples as homosexuals running around converting people into that lifestyle, or when southpark assassinated Jesus on Christmas by shooting him in his head? How about the disgusting broadway play Book of Mormons? You know the one that Hillary Clinton went to see last year, that openly mocks Mormons?

I’ll tell you why, it did not offend Barrack Hussein Obama! Obama is a Muslim supporter. He has shown this throughout his life. Look where Obama was born……I mean….lived throughout his life, Kenya, Indonesia Muslim countries.

If you do not think Obama was born a Muslim, then your head is stuck way up your ass! You think about this! When you were born, what religion were you? The answer is, whatever religion your mother or father was,,, so let’s look at Obama’s mother and fathers.

His mother was a proclaimed communist his birth father was a Kenyan Muslim who hated America (obamas own words from “dreams from my father”) His step father that raised him, was a high ranking Muslim and cleric in Indonesia. Both countries are Islamic countries, that to this day persecute all non Muslim religions. So tell me this, how could Obama escape the Muslim teaching of his “after birth” places?

This is the beginning of the end of our freedom of speech and religion if this administration is voted back into office. Remember this!!! And pass this statement on!! You can no longer say the name God in public, but Allah is ok! In fact type the name god on your computer or iPad and see what happens, now type the name Allah.

No More Excuses for Radical Muslims

September 16, 2012

Just think of this: in 1997, there was a play on broadway called “Corpus Christi” it depicted Jesus and his 12 disciples as homosexuals running around and recruiting others into their homosexual society.

Jesus was eventually crucified because he had a lovers spat with Judas who in turn betrayed him to the Sanhedrin. This play was so successful that ,they have turned it into a movie. It was going to open in 2011, but Christians were outraged.

In 2011, Christians spoke out about how disappointed they were that the “Son of God” was portrayed in this manner, they promised to picket any theaters that showed the movie and wrote letters to the producers. Needless to say, no one was killed, raped or dragged through the streets because of this portrayal of the son of God

In 2004 Mel Gibson directed a film called “The passion of the Christ” It was a literal movie taken from the Holy Bible according to accounts written in the books of Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke and Saint john.

The movie was about how Jesus(a Jew)who Christians believe is the Son of God, was handed over by the Jews to the Romans and subsequently crucified.

It is written that the Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy against God along with other accusations including not observing the sabbath day, entering into a non Jews home, healing a non Jew and forgiving of sins. His biggest crime was proclaiming he was the Son of God.

The Jewish community was outraged about this movie. Jews do not believe that Jesus is the “Son of God” many believe him to be a prophet, some don’t even believe he existed. Either way Jews were offended how they were depicted in the movie and felt they were being accused of murdering the Christians “God”

They held protest, wrote letters to Mel Gibson and the movie producers. They also boycotted the movie. Again, no one was killed, raped or dragged through the streets.

If you google Jesus Christ and take off the filters, you would find many disturbing writings, pictures and videos of the Christian’s deity.

The point I am making is; if you mention, draw,speak bad of or do not serve Mohamed, some radical Muslims, use that as an opportunity to server your head from your shoulders.

Now let me get this straight, I do not believe for one minute that this film that our administration is blaming on this uprising,is the cause of these radicals killing Americans.

This film has been on YouTube for a year. I saw it in March. It was as upsetting as when the comedy central channels show “south park” assassinated Jesus Christ on its Christmas special several years back.

No this film had nothing to do with this sad excuse for killing Americans. It is the the fact we are Americans and radical Muslims want us to conform to their religion or die. I have been to all of these places, I have seen first hand peaceful Muslims and witnessed radical Muslims who wanted to rip Americans heads off.

Radicals do not need an excuse to kill. There are radicals in many religions. Right now it is the Muslim radicals that are being highlighted. 9/11 helped accentuate the fact that radical Muslims hate Americans.

We as a nation must come together and our administration must stop giving these radicals excuses for their behavior. Call it what it is! Hatred of our lifestyles,Religion, freedom and beliefs. No more excuses!

The only way these radical will be stomped out is when their leaders put an end to it. Our government need to stop coddling these people and their governments. We have to stop paying people to like us. If you do not support our people and our way of life,,, go make it on your own!

Let’s stop supporting these countries and governments that harbor radicals, whether they be Muslim,Jews or Christians. We can no longer support countries that our government do not consider friends or enemies.


August 27, 2012

There are people saying that president Obama was forced to create the 6 trillion dollar debt, because of “George Bush” here is my answer to that. LEARN MATH!

Bush and the democratic controlled house and senate could not work together in the final 2 years of his presidency. The economy began to tank due to bad investments, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the 2 wars, banks lending to high risk borrowers and bubble loans. Don’t believe the wall street hype.

Obama chose to borrow money and use it to fund unnecessary things. His thinking and rational was not even logical. Heres why;

1. you can not borrow money to pay a debt., All that happens is you increase your debt and delay your payments, possibly placing your debt on your children and children’s children.

Example: if you owe a debt of $1000 and borrow $2000 to pay the debt, now you owe more than twice the amount of debt not including fees and interest. the longer you take to pay the debt back,the more money you pay depending on the interest rate.

2. You can not borrow money and use it to buy things you do not need, lend it out or invest it, all while not paying the debt you initially borrowed the money for.

Example: if you owe a debt of $1000 and borrow $2000 to pay the debt, but you take and invest some of the money in a company who is high risk, give it to other companies, so they can pay their debts and create programs that increase your debt. In the end ,you now have a debt of $3000 not counting interest and fee or other debt you incurred.

3. You can not borrow money and then try to force other people to pay it back for you

Example: Say that live in a neighborhood of 10 people and of those people 1 owns a business and employs 4 of the neighbors . the remaining 5 do not work So the ratio of unemployed to working people is 5 to 5 or 50% of the people are not working and the remaining 50% are.

Now let’s say Obama owes a debt of $1000, that the working 50% are already paying back. He then borrows $2000 and again invest it in high risk investments, gives some away and pays the remaining unemployed (50%)people $200 each.

The 5 people take the money, and are not required to pay down the debt, yet at the end of the year they are awarded even more funds as a credit. At the end of the year only the 40%(employed) are required to pay back ; the initial debt, the new debt, interest and fees and the credits awarded to the 50%(unemployed) The remaining 10% or the employer pays back less of the debt due to breaks given to him by Obama.

So let’s simplify it. $1000 + $2000 = $3000

40% are required to pay back $3000 at a high rate plus fees & interest
10% are required to pay back $3000 at a low rate plus fees & interest
50% are not required to pay anything back and are awarded $ credits at the end of the year

This is not entirely accurate because the 40% have to pay back a higher percentage of the $3000 debt than the 10%. But you get the picture.

4. You can not continue to keep printing money that you do not have. It will devalue your money.

Example: let’s take a US Dollar. There was a time where a candy bar was worth 50 cents, as inflation rises, the cost of the candy bar rises But the dollar stays the same. Eventually the candy bar is worth more than the dollar and you will need additional money to pay for the candy bar.

Simplify: example only! In 2011 a dollar could buy you 2 candy bars. In 2012 you need 2 dollars to buy 1 candy bar. When the Feds print more money to make up for the bad economy, it devalues the money. Which in turn makes you, spend more money for less.

5. You can not make the middle class and so called rich pay additional taxes on top of what they are already paying.

Example: if the 40% is paying the bulk of taxes and the 10% are also paying but at a lower rate. Yet the 50%(unemployed ) are not contributing at all, what will happen is the 50% (unemployed ) will increase putting more burden on the top groups.

Simplify: if I employ 5 people all five plus me (the employer) are paying taxes. If I am forced to pay more taxes, my profit margin decreases, yet my bills continue to increase and because of inflation, the cost of the materials i purchase increases. In order to stabilize my business, I will be forced to layoff someone. I lay off one employee, now I have 4 people doing the work of 5. because of this, my company is unable to produce like before

The number of people who are not paying taxes has increased by one and now the remaining employees and me are required to pay more taxes. Eventually I will have to layoff more employees and will be unable to compete in the market. End result, my company closes! Now the number of people not paying taxes increases.

You can not pass laws that kill small businesses. Small businesses are what make this economy go. If small businesses can not compete or obtain finances or tax breaks, they will fail!

Example: like above, if your profit margin shrinks and you are spending out more than you are taking in. You have to cut cost. Eventually you will have to decrease your staff. When you are forced to decrease your staff, your production suffers. At the same time large corporations are picking up your customers. Eventually your doors will close.

The larger the corporations,the lower the tax rate they have to pay. The larger corporations will not hire additional employees,due to the fact they want to keep their profit margin high. Plus the treat of increased taxes scare them. They do not want to end up like the small businesses.

6. You can not continue to bailout companies that can not compete in their market.

Example: GM should have went bankrupt from the beginning not after they received government takeover and bailouts.

GM can not compete in the market the way it is structured. It is a fact that union employees cost a business considerably. Parts and labor kill businesses. Union labor handicaps productivity and cost.

I believe unions have a place in some companies, however when the unions fail to work for its members and only focus on the bottom line(greed), the market fails.

Simplify: example only! if it cost Honda $4000 to produce and place a car into the market, yet it cost the USA $10,000 to produce and place a car into the market, we have to look at the reason the cost are not comparable or competitive.

We have to look at material cost, labor cost, R&D cost, taxes, import/export fees etc.

After we evaluate these cost, we must adjust them so we can compete in the marketplace. Why? If we can not compete, we will fail! That’s the bottom line. Unions must think of the people,international competition and the economy when they negotiate fees and labor.

If unions are unwilling to take these things into account, so that America can compete, then it is the governments job to make sure we can compete with the rest of the world.

I can hear you saying, “well Obama turned GM around and they are making a profit” technically he did not. He bailed out GM, put them through a structured bankruptcy and at the same time unusual circumstances occurred.

1. Toyota and Honda had massive recalls on the Prius and Camry (the top selling cars)due to a handful of cars being accused of having their accelerators stick. The claims were never substantiated yet the bad press hurt sales.

2. Japan, the leading car company incurred a devastating earthquake and tsunami, which crushed their factories.

Because of these circumstances, GM sales increased. 6 months after the Tsunami, Japans automotive industry was back up and running and soon would reclaim their number 1 status. Consequently GM’s sales began to decrease.

It is important to note, that several dealerships were closed and retirement packages were restructured or cut. Currently GM is hemorrhaging and is heading toward bankruptcy or the need of another government bailout.

It is also unfortunate that tax payers are on the hook for the bailout funds and and the mismanagement will go unpunished.

Simple economics dictate that in order to fix the economy, you have to limit the spending, help small businesses, reform the tax code so that everyone including the lower income, pay toward the debt.

You can not continue to place the burden of paying back the debt on the employees and employers. By doing this, you just add to unemployment and business failure.

President Obama is on the hook for this economy, it was his decisions that lead us to where we are today. It is also his decision that has put a hugh burden on our children.


August 24, 2012

The problem with universal healthcare is, that it is run by the government and insurance agencies. Medicine is taken out of the healthcare professionals hands and treatment of the sick or afflicted is practiced out of a book. The book is written by insurance adjusters and doctors whose bottom line is cost cutting.

I recall while working as a surgical physicians assistant in orthopaedics, we had several cases where we had to talk to the insurance adjuster prior to surgery. We were told our treatment recommendations were not their protocol and the surgery would not be authorized.

I investigated how insurance adjusters could determine how to treat a patient, that they never evaluated and examined and I found they had a book of diagnosis’s and treatments. They would find out what the diagnosis codes (ICD9) were and then decide treatment protocols we could use.

Many of the adjusters did not have any medical training. Half the time, if we told them a diagnosis using orthopaedic terminology, you could hear the “duh” behind their silence. So we were forced to dummy it down to their level of training, which again was reading out of a book.

In order to properly treat our patients, we would have to demand that we speak to the medical adjuster ie; “let me speak to your supervisor”. Now, this was even more comical because the hired medical adjusters could be any type of medical professional, for example, a podiatrist,nurse, physicians assistant, chiropractor or usually a retired medical doctor.

Now I am not saying any of these medical providers are not capable of diagnosing or treating a patient. What I am saying is the practice of medicine is complicated. No two patients are alike and there are many variables when treating a patient. If you have a foot and ankle injury, a podiatrist may be a good person to speak to about treatment options, but you would not want to speak to a podiatrist about treating a slipped capital epiphysis. My point is, not all medical training is alike. A heart surgeon can not treat a fractured hip nor can an orthopeadist treat a heart patient, nor should they.

Unfortunately with universal healthcare, you are allowing government officials to determine what medical treatment you will receive. Ill give you another example that may have already happened to you the reader.

Insurance agencies, are determining which medicines you can use to treat your aliments. This determination is made by cost, not how well the medicine works. Many patients go to an orthopaedic surgeon for osteo arthritis of their knees. Many doctors would like to use a medicine that is injected into the joints on a 3 week cycle, however before the doctor can treat the patient properly, he has to obtain permission from the insurance company in order to treat the patient. If the insurance company chooses that the patient does not fit their criteria for treatment, they deny the patient.

Many patients leave their medical facilities receiving inadequate care or having to settle for treatment that is not ideal.

Under President Obama’s healthcare bill, a panel of non medical providers will make decisions about what treatment you will receive and the reimbursement your provider will receive. Now let me be clear, they will not always tell your doctor how to treat you, but they will always dictate how much your provider will be reimbursed. This leads to changing the way you would normally treat a patient due to not being able to afford your practice. In some cases, Do no harm is thrown out the window and do little harm is its replacement.


We can fix this problem by dealing with the real problems that bog the practice of medicine down. First we need to put the treatment of patients back in the hands of the providers. Insurance companies should not be able to dictate how a doctor treats his patients.

Second, we have to decrease the cost of pharmaceuticals. It does not make sense that we charge $60 for a pill that it takes 4 cents to make. If you fall for the R&D and trial theory, as to why the cost is so high, Ill sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.

Third, Tort reform. The cost of malpractice insurance is through the roof and many doctors stop working, because they can not afford to practice medicine. Tort reform would reduce the cost of malpractice insurance and cap the amount a person could sue for. It would also decrease the amount of frivolous lawsuits. Lastly it would penalize people who bring those frivolous lawsuits.

Fourth decreasing and stamping out fraud in healthcare. Healthcare fraud is at a devastating epidemic. A major reason medicare is going bankrupt is due to fraud.

Finally, a complete overhaul of healthcare to make sure all hospitals have at least the basic equipment and staff to be able to take care of the sick, and chronic patients. Create facilities for chronic healthcare maintenance and acute non emergency services. This would decrease the visits to the emergency room for non emergent problems.

There are many other areas of overhauls that can be made including medicare reform, creating more opportunities for people to become doctors or nurses ie: easier access to medical schools, nursing schools, ect. There is a major shortage of doctors and nurses, which is increasing yearly due to retirement. Because of the major shortage of doctors, the wait time to see your provider has increased to an unrealistic time span.

In conclusion, more bureaucrats are not what we need in healthcare. Universal healthcare or Obamacare is not the answer and will hurt the patient in the end. More patients will receive inadequate medical care due to the decisions of government agents or insurance adjusters. Waiting time for doctor visits will be unrealistic. Cost of healthcare will increase due to not dealing with the real problem of controlling pharmaceutical cost, Tort reform and fraud.


August 19, 2012


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Is it time to be fair to Americans?

August 19, 2012

Let me get this straight!!! A person comes here ILLEGALLY and has a child. That child becomes an American citizen. Ok! Well,that is our law.

Now, a person comes here illegally with their children and I’m supposed to have pity on the children? Or understand it is not their fault?

So because someone decides to break the law, me and fellow Americans are forced to become their baby’s daddy’s for 18 plus years.

They are allowed to get government services on my dime, because of “fairness” well, when does President Obama plan on being fair to the American people?

Many Americans struggle to take care of their households. Many get denied for government services, yet it is fair to take care of illegal immigrants and their families?

American children are in overcrowded schools because of illegal immigrants. Our children are forced to lose programs like arts, music, and sports because we have to take care of illegal immigrant children.

What about the families that are in countries where their rights and dignity are violated everyday. Their only dream is to come to America legally, so they can have a future only to find that they have to wait another year or two and if they are still alive or qualify , they may be able to reapply. President Obama is that “fair” to them?

You may say these people were oppressed and afraid for their lives. Go to places like Darfur and tell those people what oppression is. Ask Christians in Indonesia what oppression is. Ask gays in Muslim countries what oppression is. Ask the people of Syria who are being slaughtered on the streets what oppression is. Ask the mothers and fathers in Ethiopia and Sudan, who burry their children daily because they died of starvation, what oppression is.

We work hard and have to pay 14,25,35 and 40 percent taxes not counting the everyday incidental taxes that we pay. Yet Obama says ” it is fair to take care of these people because it’s not their fault” do you know illegals don’t pay taxes?

Let me ask you a question; if your child breaks a window, who has to pay? If your child does something illegal,Who is held responsible or can be sued?

When the hell is it fair to be an American? If I’m forced to be a baby’s daddy then it should be for Americans not “FAIR BABY’S “